Thursday, October 25, 2012

Iron man 3

Well the trailer is out now since midnight of 10/23/12 and the hype has gone viral, everyone who is into comics is talking about it. Ben Kinsgley comes into play as the Mandarin, who was hinted at in Iron Man 1 as the terrorist organization called the ten rings which Mandarin has a ring on each finger. So, Tony stark references the avengers movie in the Iron Man 3 trailer saying that time in New York had changed him, he is now trying full force with his relationship with Pepper Potts something he was trying in Iron Man 2 and The Avengers movies. I am hoping they do not kill off Pepper but it is vaguely hinted something big will happen to Tony in this next movie which is coming out in May 3, 2013. The trailer was epic, hoping that the movie will be epic and not only from the scenes in the trailer. This will be Tony's biggest challenge yet in this movie it looks like, how will he overcome whatever is thrown at him in this movie. As we who saw the Dark Knight Rises, Batman has to figuratively die for Bruce Wayne to have a normal life at the end of the movie, please i hope they don't try that crap with Iron Man 3 where he has to pretty much die ( again) to save everything he loves. Anyhow, can't wait to see the new trailers and such and will update all on my blog when the new Iron Man 3 trailers come out, well...cant wait to see the movie, will definitely catch the midnight viewing of he movie when it comes out no matter what. Well, that's it, enough of my rambling about the Iron Man 3 teaser trailer. 

Friday, October 19, 2012

making comics?

There are a few things you need to make comics today, sometimes the easiest way is to go into webcomics. These things are essential for making comics.

  • Any sized wacom tablet
  • A scanner

  • a site to display your work

Those are just a few essential things you will need to start you comics
Well....., you will need some software too, like photoshop or manga studio


Comics news

Well i found a site dedicated to the world of comics and the news about it. Actually there is a lot, so i would urge you to visit this site to find about more about the news in the world of comics

here is the link.....

Good News Hunting :)

New comics this week :)

There are new comics out this week coming from all publishers. Do you want to know what they are? Do you want to know how many?

Click the link below to find out....

Many new comics just this week from several publishers, if your a comic fan this could be a great place for you to continue your collection or even start it.

Good Luck :)


As most of you who know about Dark Horse, they are really into horror and the like, and i would say they are really good at it. So how would you put horror into a comic without really knowing it, well i would say they do.

On the Dark Horse comics website, there is a new post about the DH crews top favorite horror movies. here is the link.

Enjoy :)


At DC comics website, they have a post for what they call super-villains month, its called 5.2 reasons Superman is a menace. In their article they assume the role of Superman's arch nemesis Lex Luthor as he gives the reasons behind why everyone should hate Superman. I have got to say, i think it is pretty cool that they put this article up, it shows Luthor's hate for Superman while also promoting him.

Here is the link.


Thursday, October 18, 2012

Working comic....

I found a comic on the web that might interest some of you, it has great art and a great storyline. The name of the comic is called "The Oswald Chronicles" it is a three part comic about the only mouse who can speak and trying to find the meaning in his life while traveling and conversing to different species.

Here are some places you can find it.....
  1. deviant art (
  2. and ( only for a limited time on kickstarter, so if you like it please donate to it.